
Oswald Perktold

Why you be ashamed?
Ruth deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
A - a known so-called thinkers such as it is called, if one - visionary, visionary tourism, which is still tightening, visionary is already difficult. Tourism and visionary is almost not to - "nit Fascht zkliaba" - in Paznaun once expressed: "I shit on the past, I have a tête-à-Tête with the future." Look here! He is the past sausage, he looks only to the future. The thing is, my experience, many people - especially in such valleys as the Paznaun or Pitztal - ashamed of themselves, hence if one and the sparse and by today's standards poverty of these people visually and in writing or in some other way is, adapting . This is - this is something you are - that is, I think, very bad if we are ashamed that the ancestors were poor. But then again the preamble to the Tyrolean State Constitution: "loyalty to the heritage of the Fathers." Yes. The mothers of course, have no presence.